- Are parents of a Lakeside student an automatic member of the PTO?
Yes! All Lakeside parents and teachers are automatic members of the PTO and are welcome to attend our meetings.
- How do I receive timely information about school news and events?
Creating an online account on the Lakeside PTO website (www.lakesidepto.com) will ensure you receive timely email notifications of all Lakeside activities and events so you’re able to be an active partner in your child(ren)s education. You should register to receive Lakeside PTO emails.
NOTE: If you’re a current Lakeside family who needs to add a new child to your existing Lakeside PTO account, please follow these steps exactly:
1) Log in to your www.LakesidePTO.com account
2) Click on “My Account”
3) Click on “My Forms/Paperwork” (Do NOT click “Update my Account”)
4) Click on “Contact Information”
5) Scroll down and click on “Next Step”
6) Click on the button that says “I have another student”
7) Make sure you choose what grade your child will be in for the current school year
8) Update your child’s teacher once teacher assignments have been made
- I am already registered with CISD, but I’m not being inform of Lakeside events and news. Why?
Because CISD and the Lakeside PTO are considered separate legal entities, neither are allowed to share information with the other. Therefore, you are required to be separately registered on both the CISD Parent Portal and the Lakeside PTO website.
- If I am registered with the PTO, will my personal details be automatically published in the student directory?
No! When you initially create your Lakeside PTO account, you can choose what details you want included in the directory.
NOTE: Since CISD and the PTO cannot share information as mentioned above, the only way you and your child(ren)s information gets included in the directory is if you allow it. The student directory won’t be complete without your student listed.
- How do I access the secure online student directory?
A one-year family access pass must be purchased for $5
- How can I volunteer at Lakeside?
Before volunteering on a CISD campus, you MUST have a completed NON-NEGOTIABLE criminal background check on file every school year. Otherwise, you risk being turned away by the front office.
Be sure to read your PTO newsletters to learn about activities and volunteer opportunities as they arise.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, February 13
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17
- Thursday, February 20
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Monday, March 17
Coppell High School
CHS 9th Grade Campus
New Tech High @ Coppell
CMS East
CMS North
CMS West
Austin Elementary
Cottonwood Creek Elementary
Canyon Ranch Elementary
Denton Creek Elementary
Lakeside Elementary
Lee Elementary
Mockingbird Elementary
Pinkerton Elementary
Town Center Elementary
Valley Ranch Elementary
Wilson Elementary